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“Frozen 2” Movie Review

I’m not gonna lie, I'm late this time due to keeping the Frozen going during the weekend lost in Disney Emoji Blitz. Hopefully, you saw my first reactions review on YouTube. If not catch that here , & subscribe while you're there to catch ‘em all. After the dust settles though, I like to write out a little more full review. In the case of Frozen 2, I can't believe how crazy I am about this film. As I said in the video, I was far from Frozen Fever the first time around. This one has me though. I’m seriously debating hitting it again on AMC cheap Tuesday while it's still in the good theaters. I find myself not just liking this more, but leaps & bounds over its predecessor. It tackles its subject of growth & transformation with an expertise usually reserved for epic films of the non-animated variety. Epic is the word to use as well. From the story told, to the music, to just the visionary display, this film is in all aspects, epic. Usually a champion for hand drawn animation, even I have to acknowledge the leaps & bounds CGI has come throughout it’s short existence. This doubles down on the perfection displayed in Moana. The music is far from just an earworm. Every song fits, progresses the story, but even more importantly, they're thoroughly enjoyable outside the film for the most part. Save two songs I just can’t get enough of this soundtrack on a daily basis. All of this wraps a perfect little bow around an action/adventure/comedy with a surprising amount of depth. The performances also show amazing growth from all the major players. Elsa, Anna, Olaf, & Kristoff show real understanding of their characters throughout some surprising twists & turns for an animated film. These make leaving a synopsis rather difficult without delivering spoilers. I will say though, I was expecting a lot here going in after some amazing trailers, & everyone involved totally delivered. It does what great cinema does, & taps into every emotion throughout its rollercoaster ride. I know, while I questioned if the first needed a second, I definitely won't question a third. Which I've said before, when it comes to movies, if wanting more is your only gripe, it's a pretty good one to have. It's been 4 days almost since I've seen this, & I still can’t stop thinking about it. For the first time I’m even excited for Director commentary. Just to see if I’m on the right wavelength with what they were thinking here & there. Instant classic though. Can’t wait to see it again. Would suggest to anyone. Maybe even of they haven't seen the first. You get a hilarious run through from Olaf anyway. What are your thoughts though? Put ‘em in the comments, like, & share.