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International Trailer For "Black Panther" Showcases Wakandan Technology

This new international spot for Marvel' s upcoming Black Panther shows some new shots involving Wakanda & the nation's technology. Along with some details on the new suit, this is really the stuff that excites me about Black Panther. I love all the alien & advanced tech Wakanda is known for, or not known as they allow no outsiders. I wish I knew what the voiceover was saying, this has been my favorite look at this film so far. Like I said though, when it comes to Black Panther, my favorite aspect is Wakanda & it's tech. This is the first time I noticed Klaw use his new arm as well. It might have been in other previews, but I didn't remember seeing it when it popped up here. He's a villain of greed, which usually makes for a very believable antagonist usually. I'm still a little thrown off by Michael B Jordan though. I feel like I keep going back & forth with every preview on whether he's going to work. I like him, when he's on, he's on. I just can't get a grip from the trailers so far if he's on or off this time around. What did y'all think of thus international trailer though? Put it in the comments, like, & share.