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Inhumans Medusa Missing Something

So @Hawaii_isla808 has been releasing set photos from Waikiki Beach for Marvel's Inhumans series debuting on Imax Sept. 1 & one just so happened to catch my eye. As you could probably tell by the title of this article it involves Serinda Swan's Medusa & yes, she is missing something. What is that something you ask? Her hair. While still sporting red, it's been shaved to almost nothing. For most characters I would just think, okay, they're changing her look up a little. It wouldn't be the first or last time we get an appearance change from comic to film. This one however has major significance in the fact that Medusa's power is full control of her unbreakable hair. Quite a lame power set if you don't have the hair in the first place. Now I'm all for the rumor the hair will be CGI in the long run, which makes sense as it moves around & there's a lot of it. That's a rumor until we see otherwise though, making me think we might have a powered down Inhuman team. Hopefully we get a trailer soon & put some of this speculation to rest. Let us know in the comments what you think of Medusa's hair or lack there of? While you're there like & share.