Snipes n Snarfblatts

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Retro Announcement For "Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2" Blu-Ray Release Is Hilarious

I'm going to show my age a little with this one, but I totally remember these commercials. Every other commercial was trying to sell some sort of greatest hits collection. This take on it just seems like the natural fit for the movie that brought back the cassette mix-tape. I'm a little bummed to notice that I did not see a 3-D release for this movie. The 3-D in it was truly amazing at times & I was hoping to get a better look at it on the home release. The music video with the Hoff has me excited to even pour through the bonus features of this thing when I get it. Anyway, watch the commercial, take a trip down memory lane, & let me know what you think. Write it in the comments, like, & share.