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The Future Of X-Men And R Rated Superheroes From Fox

So, there have been a lot of things on everyone's mind since the purchase of Fox by Disney when it comes to the Marvel universe. First & foremost, I thought this would be a given. According to Bob Iger Fox's ultra popular R rated superhero films will keep going forward. Namely Deadpool . However, I'm sure they will go on under a separate banner than the Disney owned Marvel. Some think the name Fox will stay, I'm leaning more towards a rebirth of the Marvel Knights division, but we'll have to see. The big news is Deadpool's R rating is safe. The second big Fox/Marvel news answers an even bigger question for me. In an interview with Collider, Lauren Shuler Donner addressed the state of the X-Men since the purchase. Obviously we're still getting the possible train wreck that will be Dark Phoenix & New Mutants is done however which way we receive it. After that everything is up in the air though as she states all further X-Men projects are on hold. She's hoping we hear something post Avengers: Endgame , & even more so she Hope's we're going in a different direction than we already went. No one will know until the inevitable big announcement, but I'm thinking this is a good thing. At least we know they're prepared to take this seriously, & give it some real thought. I want a series of X-Men in the MCU, but more so than that, I want it to be consecutively good. As of now we have a hodge podge of great, mediocre, & bad X-Men films. None of which having any real form of continuity. As the X-Men have always been my favorite Marvel property, I would love to see then get the level of MCU consistency we've grown to expect. What do y'all think though? Are you more excited for the continuation of Deadpool & possibly other R rated heroes? Or the fact that it seems a lot of thought is going into reimagining some quality X-Family titles? Put it in the comments, like, & share.