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Pics & More From "Solo: A Star Wars Story"

Entertainment Weekly is dishing out all kinds of tasty little morsels this week on Solo: A Star Wars Story.  This time with some exclusive new pics I've collaged down there at the bottom. Along with some extras on the film the filmmakers describe as a combination film noir & Western, with buddy comedy elements smuggled inside. Out of all those pics down there I've gotta say, Lando won the trailers & now he's winning the pics as well. He's right at home with the two-headed alien where Glover made sure to mention not only were they playing sabacc, but there's "a lot of it". Maybe he's eluding to a certain game in which a certain ship changes hands? You also get a shot of beautiful, mystery woman Qi'ra played by Emilia Clarke. Whom she describes as having "a couple of guises, but essentially she is just fighting to stay alive." You see Han & Chewie on the back of the Conveyex planning their heist. Second place for these pics goes to the shot of Tobias Beckett played by Woody Harrelson in the Falcon sitting arouund the holochess table. Woody has been my number one drive for wanting to see this film since he was announced. Hoping to up his status with a big heist, he winds up becoming a mentor to Solo. Ron Howard describes him as a "powerful criminal" & "free agent". Going on to say he "really shapes Han more than anybody, as Han comes to believe that in a lawless time, he needs a moral code." If you're like me though you're wondering about the poic of the muddy imperials. That's because it's not who that matters in that pic, it's where. That pic was taken on the swamp world of Mimban. If that souunds familiar it's because Mimban is the setting for the no longer cannon book Splinter of the Mind's Eye.  Can't wait to see what they're drawing from that. Lots of cool stuff though withn the promise of even more to come. What do y'all think of these awesome new pics & descriptions from Solo: A Star Wars Story  ? Put it in the comments, like, & share.