Snipes n Snarfblatts

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This New "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Featurette Has Me Starting To Think They Can Pull This Off

Solo: A Star Wars Story has had a major share of production problems. Alden Ehrenreich has an uphill battle trying to fill the shoes of Harrison Ford. No one seems to have asked for, or wanted this prequel. A part of me still thinks Lando is going to steal the show. After this featurette though, I've found myself really starting to come around. I'm starting to see a lot more Han in Ehrenreich, it looks like they're covering all the "greatest hits" like meeting Chewie & the winning of the Millennium Falcon, & on top of that, every new thing I see adds to this looking more & more entertaining. I'm getting a western vibe from it, & that actually works for me. I'm totally on board for this as of this featurette. Ron Howard looks like he put Humpty Dumpty together just fine, & any doubts I had I'm putting behind me. I could be wrong, but I think this one is going to be a pleasant surprise. What do y'all think? Are y'all signed onto Solo  yet, or still a little reserved going in? Put it in the comments, like, & share.