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"Making Solo" A Little Different Than Recent Featurettes

This little behind the scenes featurette just dropped for Solo: A Star Wars Story , & I immediately had 2 thoughts. The first was just how serious everyone is. You see the ones for Infinity War , Last Jedieven A Wrinkle in Time , & everybody involved looks like they're having a blast. Here it looks like if you even get a smile it's just a courtesy for the camera. I'm wondering if that's a reflection of everything this film went through. The other thing I couldn't get out of my head while watching this was how hard they're selling this. I never thought I'd see a Star Wars  movie get this hard of a push. Don't get me wrong, Star Wars  always spends a ton on marketing. It's just, usually it feels like a celebration. Like they're telling us we're lucky to get another Star Wars.  The marketing for this has seemed more like usual movie marketing. Even a little more desperate though, showing us almost everything they knew we would want in there. Answering all of our Star  Wars  nostalgia questions up front. In comparison to other Star Wars films, it's like they're asking fans to come for the first time, instead of just reminding us when to. Anyway, what do y'all think? Of this featurette, & the marketing in general? Put it in the comments, like, & share.