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New Details On Disney's Upcoming Streaming Service

New details have surfaced via Deadline about Disney's streaming service to launch in 2019. So far, nothing about 21st Century Fox assets yet. Makes sense, considering that'll be tied up in court for about a year. There will be no R-rated films. Those will stay on HULU. Same goes for the Marvel series on Netflix. The plan is to let them stay & do their thing where they're at. First year goal is to shell out 4 to 5 original movies & 5 TV series just for the service. They rumor some awesome priority movie projects in Don Quiote, Lady & The Tramp, The Paper Magician, Stargirl, & Togo.  Of which, I'm especially excited for Don Quiote.  Already in post production for the streaming service is Magic Camp,  & the female Claus film with Anna Kendrick, Noelle.  Actual priority developments include 3 Men and a Baby (again?), Sword in the Stone (Yay!), & Timmy Failure  (??). The TV lineup is where it gets really interesting with High School Musical, Monsters Inc. series, a Marvel live action title, & a live action Star Wars series. Now as cool as all that sounded, they still haven't put a price tag on it. I'm starting to think that might be the big deciding factor for me. That, & I'm still wondering how deep they're going to pull out if the vault? If they dig out classic episodes of Disneyland, World of Color,   & original Mickey Mouse Club,  along with the classic cartoon shorts, sign me up. Without that vault presence though, I must know how much we're talkin? What do y'all think? Put it in the comments, like, & share.