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"Christopher Robin" Extended Look Is Filled With Pooh Wisdom

As with every other trailer for Christopher Robin , I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this extended look. The wisdom of Pooh is just great throughout this whole thing. My only real concern is if they're showing us too much of it. I really hope they're saving some quips that are just as good, or even better than what they've showed us now so far. They're getting to the point where if they don't have your money yet, you're probably just not that into Winnie the Pooh. All in all though, that's kinda how I'm getting with all these extended peeks. Luckily, most of it is from other trailers, but this will be the third film in a row with a full scene or two I've already seen. Honestly, it takes a little away from me. Which seems crazy, as they're primarily scenes we've basically seen. Usually just all chopped up throughout a course of trailers. I guess when it's like that & spread out over the course of trailers, it gets trickier to put it all together. Anyway, back to this actual extended look. Putting aside the fact that I don't need to see anymore, I loved every second. They had my money after the first trailer, & every bit of this peek had me smiling. I can't wait! What do y'all think? Is this silly ol bear in your future or not? Also, what do y'all think of this new pattern of extended sneak peeks? Put it in the comments, like, & share.