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Maleficent 2 Has A New Title, Date, And Poster... Yay.

I've made no secret at all I have no love whatsoever for the live-action Maleficent. Loved Jolie's casting, absolutely hated everything they done with the film though. They turned Disney's most evil villain into, not even an anti-hero, but an actual misunderstood good guy. Couldn't stand it. So while this title gives me hope, I don't pit any weight on her ever taking up her actual dark persona as we seen in the original Sleeping Beauty. That all said cool title, cool poster, bit still just no hope for this one. It'll be titled Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. Which just doesn't quite make since after they went way out of their way to take all the villainy out of this character. Smae thing goes for the poster. Looks all cool & dark, but once again I'll believe it when I see it. We will find out earlier than we thought we would as they moved it up to this year. October 18th to be exact. I would say fingers crossed, bit I'm just not looking forward to this one. How bout y'all? Put it in the comments, like, & share.