Stan Lee's Cameos In The Marvel Cinematic Universe Are What?!?

It's been an ongoing theory for awhile, one that I've actually thought would be really cool, is that Stan Lee is actually Uatu the Watcher. Uatu watches Earth as part of a race of cosmic beings that appear to oversee major events throughout the galaxy. WARNING THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL 2. This theory was acknowledged in a conversation with Screen Rant by Kevin Feige in which he said, "Yes, we always thought it [the theory] would be fun. Stan Lee clearly exists, you know, above & apart from the reality of all the films. So the notion that he could be sitting there on a cosmic pit stop during the jump gate sequence in Guardians was something very fun..." Apparently, & this was a spoiler for me too as I still haven't seen Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Stan Lee appears in a space suit talking to the Watchers. It takes some reading in between the lines, but it's being strongly hinted through all of this that, yes, Stan Lee is Uatu the Watcher. Feige went on to talk about James Gunn having the idea & loving it. They had taken it out, but put it back in at the last minute, a spot where Stan Lee references the time he was a FedEx agent. That referencing his cameo in Captain America: Civil War.