Punisher Trailer Debuts With A Vengeance

It would've been real easy to let this one slip through the cracks with Defenders debut & all the Star Wars news goin on. Meanwhile though this vicious Marvel Punisher trailer for Netflix dropped. This looks like it's going to be everything I was hoping it would be. I loved the first Punisher movie & didn't hate the second film, War Zone. Hell, i didnt really even mind the campy Australian version. When Bernthall popped up as the character in the second season of Daredevil though, I knew we had never seen the role perfected until then. This trailer keeps that momentum going too. Looks as if we're going to get some of Frank Castle's tragic origin as well. I can't wait for this, probably even more so than the other upcoming Marvel/Netflix seasons. It won't be too much longer either, we're running out of 2017 fast. What do y'all think though? Best Punisher ever? Still need more to figure it out? Put it in the comments, like, & share.