Science & Star Wars Does Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the topic of this Science & Star Wars, & that's all it is, a topic. I love this show for the experiments it does in the realm of Star Wars. This one was more of a show of where we are in the field of A.I. right now. Don't get me wrong this is very informative, & it did have Anthony Daniels, C-3PO himself. It just seemed to lack the draw of the other episodes. It felt like a science lecture, but that's just the nature of this beast right now. Not to many ways to pull of A.I., & they pretty have been with the co-host for every episode so far. It was cool seeing how it worked, just not as engaging as usual. Still can't wait for more, just a little more hands on next time around. What did y'all think of this one? Put it in the comments, like, & share.