Thank you Jason Aaron For Your Amazing Run On Marvel's "Star Wars"

Jason Aaron is hanging up his pen & is finished writing on Marvel's Star Wars comic. October 4th will mark his final issue on what has been an amazing run. If you haven't been following these & are a Star Wars fan, you have done yourself a grave injustice. After 37 issues on Marvel’s blockbuster ongoing series, Aaron is passing the torch to fellow superstar, Kieron Gillen. Marvel put up this awesome tribute to Jason Aaron and all of the other talented creators, including David Aja, Simone Bianchi, Mark Brooks, John Cassaday, Marco Checchetto, Mike Deodato Jr., Terry Dodson, Stuart Immonen, Salvador Larroca, Mike Mayhew, Jorge Molina and Leinil Francis Yu. It showcases all the covers up to now. I can attest as a person who buys way too many comics if you're only going to pick up two comics Star Wars & Darth Vader have been some of the best reads of the past years. It's always scary to have someone else pick up writing on something that's been this good for this long. I hate to see him go. He's added some really cool things to the Star Wars universe. Hopefully, someone can fill the big shoes he's leaving behind. Definitely check these out though, I can't stress how great this run has been. If you know, tell us what you think. What's your favorite issue out of the run? Mine are any of the issues that are taken from Obi-Wan Kenobi's journal. Put yours in the comments, like, & share.