Last Jedi Creature Creator Talk Porgs, Other Creatures Of Ahch-To & BB-8

Empire interviewed Neal Scanlon, Oscar-winning head of the Creature Workshop for Star Wars, & he talked about the creatures you've seen in the various previews for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. That being said, I'm obviously going to start this with some Porgs. Those adorable little space penguins that I already own so many versions of I can tell are marketing gold. His exact words involving the adorable inhabitants Achh-To, Luke's thinking place, was, "With Ahch-To, it felt like the only creatures that would ever exist on this island were those indigenous to it, where very few other species and DNA would have reached them." Going on describing their relation to the Caretakers, also shown below, "So they're an extrapolation from the porgs & have bird-like feet, but they're a further developed race." And ugly. Kinda strange something so cute just evolved into something so... not. Still staying on porgs he also mentions the porg shown with Chewie is actually a friend of the Wookie, & his color pattern is also very similar to the Mighty Chewbacca as well. So that little porg in the Falcon is not just there, he's Chewies new buddy, & I think that's amazing. I also might be a little jealous, I want a porg friend. It don't even have to match my color pattern. He talks a little about those totally sick Crystal Foxes mentioning that the do have crystalline fur, with theory that they've fed off the planet for so long they're taking on the characteristics of the planet's surface. The last part throws me a little off, & is becoming one of my only concerns on this film. With rumor BB-8 has a girlfriend, & we already know he has an evil counterpart, BB-9E, I'm a little worried how the awesome little droid is going to be used this time around. I guess I'm just worried it could come off a little silly, I'm talking Jar-Jar silly at that. Who knows it could work though. In regards to BB-8 he mentions a scene with him in disguise trying to evade being discovered by his new nemesis BB-9E. They've done these droid things in the comics & in the animated works. I think the biggest part that concerns me is even in the ones I've enjoyed, they're definitely not in a "favorites" category. That's my take, what's your thoughts on this revelation of creatures? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


Start Your Force Friday Off With A New BB Unit! It's The New Rage For The Whole Galaxy!

Yes, apparently a long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away you could walk into your local droid store & say whether you want a good or evil droid. I only say that because one look at this new BB unit & you can tell it's obviously a bad little bastard. BB-9E is what we'll be calling this new droid belonging to the First Order. It rolls around like BB-8, except it's got a black & grey finish, what resembles a mouse droid as a head, & a menacing red eye that seems to peer straight through your soul. Variety says Disney & Sphero, the designers of this toy version, describe the unit as a "rolling menace" saying it's part of the First Order's Astromech Unit, keeping starships & machinery operational. I guess it makes a lot of since that BB-8 is not the only one of it's kind, & if it's the current model of droid than it makes since the First Order would have a few. If this becomes a weird droid rivalry though, I don't know how on board I am. That could come all overtly silly, like beyond Jar-Jar silly. What do y'all think? One, on the make of the droid, but also if you think this is set up for a droid rivalry? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
