Science & Star Wars Cover Robotic Limbs!!

This was an awesome episode of Science & Star Wars! Ever since they've been evolving I've been so intrigued by the integration of humans & robotics in prosthetics. I even heard of this Easton LaChappelle kid when he was 14 & made his first prosthetic. I thought he was amazing. After seeing this I want to try out the block thing they try as well. I think this is so intriguing to me as my first thought goes to people who lose limbs, obviously, but then I can't help but start thinking the inevitable direction this will go. Upgrades. I can see people totally using robotics to "better" their performance. A bunch of actual Vaders out there by choice. Muscles never tire, bones that won't break easily, augmented strength, the possibilities will eventually be endless. Won't that be nuts? Anyway, the video. Video was amazing, I hope they keep coming. That could just be me, so what do y'all think about these so far? Put it in the comments, like, & share.