Lego & Disney Do Star Wars in These 2 Amazing Videos

Disney has paired with The LEGO Group to put up these two awesome videos. The first one of which is a retelling of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story told in the form of Legos. This one's great. Just the effects and detail put into it amazes me. Mainly because there's no telling how long this thing actually took to put together. So a major pat on the back to those involved. This is awesome.

The second of the videos brings true creativity from two different directions as it is a Lego Rube Goldberg machine designed to destroy the Death Star. This was on another level as I've love Rube Goldberg machines since I was a kid. They just fascinate me. I played mouse trap lord knows how many times just to watch it work. So, taking the innovation that goes into one of these machines, bind it with how much it's no secret that I love Star Wars, & this video was just a small slice of greatness for me.

Trip To Get Coffee Inspires Rogue One

Maybe Starbucks will be able to start justifying the price of their coffee. CNN had an interview with Rogue one director Gareth Edwards. In this interview Edwards goes over the decision to 86 all the main characters in the end, and the difficulty of using CGI to cross the uncanny valley. The most curious of things he talked about though was how the planet of "Scarif" came from a mistake involving a trip to Starbucks. When the Barista asked him his name he said he must have said, "It's Gareth" but in that they must've heard "Scarif" so that's what they wrote on the cup. He was being tasked with coming up with the final planet's name to no avail. So, when he got his drink he thought man, Scarif, that sounds pretty Star Wars, and lo and behold history was once again shaped by mistake. I love little stories like these it's funny to see how many of our classic moments come from what would normally just be thrown away as a mistake. Goes to show there truly is magic everywhere.