Take A Tour Of The International Space Station With "Science & Star Wars"

No big experiments this time around on Science & Star Wars, but that doesn't stop it from being one of my favorite episodes so far. This time around they're tackling space travel, making a great point that without space travel you have no Star Wars. It's literally in the name. First, they talk about all the advancements in space travel with different fuels & engines. Then comes the real treat, a tour of the International Space Station. I was actually so interested in this episode, I'm probably going to give it another watch after I write this. I'm blown away by all the things going on the ISS. So many advancements in all aspects of life have been made up there. Anyway, another really interesting episode, I hope they still have more up their sleeves. What do y'all think? Of this episode, or the series as a whole? Put it in the comments, like, & share.