"Science & Star Wars" First Episode Does Lightsabers.... Kinda

IBM's Science & Star Wars first episode has kicked off this exploration into a galaxy from a long time ago, far, far away with trying to create a lightsaber. An eloquent weapon from a more eloquent time. Needless to say, I was excited about this as it was one more step into me one day owning a lightsaber of my own. After watching I found this isn't as much a lightsaber though, it's more of a one-use vibroblade.  Which is still impressive as hell, it's still the closest thing I've ever seen. Watching this thing saw through steel got me pretty excited. Biggest drawbacks were the oxygen tank & the fact that it looked like a one-use thing. Which kinda bummed me out a bit, but did I mention this thing melted steel like butter? I can't wait to see more episodes of this show. More so, what do y'all think of this? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

IBM's Trailer Shows My Next Must See With "Science & Star Wars"

The title says it all. I can't wait to see this. Starting next week IBM is sponsoring this mission to turn Star Wars science fiction into science. They're trying to make lightsabers, laserblasters, force powers, hell, they're even going to try to build a landspeeder. Finally, progress. One more step closer to me inevitably owning my own lightsaber one day. I'm thinking landspeeder as well now, but count me in for sure if they manage to whip up a speeder bike. What do y'all think? Are y'all in for this show as well? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Rey Uses a Lightsaber in Last Jedi

"Comicbook" is in Nevada at Cinemacon this year reporting they have the Star Wars footage we're looking for. Not really though, saying the footage was super short. It featured Rey training with Luke's lightsaber. I'm honestly hoping someone screams spoiler 'bout this. Especially considering if you didn't think Rey was going to be training in the force, with Luke's lightsaber, I'd be forced to ask you if you had even seen "The Force Awakens". Dave Hollister, Disney exec, added a little info though saying, "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" will pick up right with "The Force Awakens" left off." Also, adding, "Virtually all of our cast are back." There you go. Though, if you didn't know Rey was going to use lightsaber your insight does not serve you. What do you think is this significant? Or should they also release that Stormtroopers will be involved in this Star Wars this go around? Comment below, & don't forget to like & share.