Disneyland Video Celebrates The Return Of Some Of The Classics

Disneyland re-opened some classic attractions last week, & now they've put up this little video celebration of it. I've been hearing Walt talk about these for years growing up as a kid with re-runs of The Wonderful World Of Color & Disneyland. I even own some of those episodes in Walt Disney Treasures form now. These rides meant a lot to Disney, as he not only loved trains, but they captured a time forever, throughout all the progress. This has helped my decision, along with some of the D23 announcements that sometime sooner than later, I'm going to have to take a trip across the states to Disneyland. Anyway, celebrate Walt & the original Imagineer's pride & joy. I'm not sure if the video started off with classic footage, does anyone know if you can still canoe? Let me know in the comments, like, & share.