Disney Releases A "Special Look" At "Mary Poppins Returns"

I love all these different names for trailers now. Essentially that's what this is. It's a minute long short trailer, preview, teaser, but specifically in this case, it's a "special look" at Mary Poppins Returns. That said, I totally dug it. Who dosen't want dolphins in their bathtub? There's a lot of quick jumps to a bunch of fantastic looking scenes. I really get the feel of the original in some of these. I've still got my fingers crossed this actually feels like a follow up sequel, & doesn't come off as remake. Some of these double digit years later sequels try to pay homage so much they just go through the original motion. Fingers crossed until December 19th, but this special look at proves we're in for at least a visual treat that will pay homage to a beloved classic. If we also get a classic sequel to match, all the better. Anyway, I really liked the look of this "special look". What about y'all? Put it in the comments, like, & share.