What Are You Doing For Earth Day? How About Going to China With Disneynature?

So far, in addition to 3,000,000 trees being planted in Brazil's Atlantic Forest, 40,000 acres of protected marine area in the Bahamas & 65,000 acres of protected savanna in Kenya have been established. Almost 130,000 acres of wild chimpanzee habitat have been protected while simultaneously caring for chimpanzees & educating 60,000 children about chimpanzee conservation. Research & restoration grants have been funded in U.S. National Parks to projects across 2.9 million acres protecting endangered species. Meanwhile,  monkeys & other endangered species have been protected in their natural habitats across Indonesia, Cambodia, & Sri Lanka. How you ask? Through donations tied to opening-week attendance of Disneynature films, through the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund. This year, on Earth Day weekend, do your part to help & attend an opening showing of Disneynature's Born in China to benefit the Wold Wildlife Fund. I'll be there, even helped a little more by purchasing a stuffed panda from the Disney Store. Check out this trailer of the beautiful China landscape & ask yourself how you couldn't do anything to help these adorable creatures? Share with your friends & lets fill up dome theaters on Earth Day!