Lucasfilm Drops "Directing The Last Jedi" Featurette, But I Like These New Posters Even More

There's something special about this featurette Lucasfilm released about Rian Johnson directing Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It was the main thing that resonated with me while watching it. Johnson, when it really comes down to it, is just a fan like us. That being said can you imagine how much will it takes to separate the fanboy from it being time to go to work & get your crap together. I like to think I'm good at managing things, but this? I couldn't dream of walking onto a set like this & trying my hand & furthering one of the greatest pieces of modern mythology. I liked hearing him talk about this experience though. Going back to his days playing with the figures, & taking moments to freak out was awesome little bits, but that was overshadowed by these awesome posters released later. I'm a sucker for these drawn posters, as much as I'm a sucker for porgs, & these posters have both. Can you tell that Lucasfilm has realized the merchandise power of the porg? They're everywhere. And I'm not complaining, I think they're friggin' adorable. Amazing posters though, I could definitely see these going up on my wall. What do y'all think though? Two things... One, these amazing posters, & two, do you think you'd be able to helm "insert your favorite franchise here"? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
