Force Powers A Little Harder For "Science & Star Wars"

Here's another Science & Star Wars that doesn't quite hit it's mark. This time we're trying to science force powers, & while the first two experiments are alright, they completely screw the pooch when it comes to getting an object to spring to their hands. I'm surprised they even tried to tackle force powers, as that's the least sciencey thing Star Wars has to offer. I fell like this is one of those ones they need to go back to the drawing board & try to take another stab at. The force controlling with the helmet was neat, but I really think they could think of better than a super-magnet to simulate powers. If not they probably could've just shelved this episode. Then again I could be being to hard on them after all the amazing things I've seen them pull off already. Anyway, check it out, & let me know what you think. Put it in the comments, like, & share.