“Final” Trailer For “Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker” Is A Lot To Take In

The title says it all. This trailer has a lot going on in it. Obviously it's gonna take more than the three watches I've had to soak it all in. However, off the top I notice this is going for big. Real big. Whether that comes off as epic or a bunch of screen noise, will really depend on the content around all of it. That's the first thing that comes to my head mainly due to J.J. Abrams track record with me. I’ve always thought he was great starting off stories. Just not at finishing them up. I’ve never been too impressed with his endings. Hence my favorite of his being the first Star Trek remake. Which was basically left wide open, followed by the step back in my opinion that was Into the Darkness. Star Wars wise, there's few things off top that stood out for me. It's looking like the Emperor may have merged with the Death Star. I could be wrong on that, but that's where my head went when I saw the robotic, cloaked figure in front of Rey. Loved the whole their coming together will be there undoing. I’m hoping that's a Rey team-up with Kylo thing, but that just seems too likely to actually be it. Then there was the C3P0 “look at my friends scene. Could be touching, could be corny. Either way glad they showed it so it dosen’t get the Leia Poppins treatment when people see it. A scene I loved, but I think a lot of people wasn’t ready for it. A glimpse might have changed that. Anyway, this trailer displays pretty much all the action that was missing out of the others. I’ll probably notice a hundred more things as I rewatch it. Very busy, but I dug it for what it was. Visually stunning, action eye candy. I love it's called the Final Trailer. As if there's not going to be a million TV spots, clips, & “special looks” bombarding us over the months. What do y'all think of this look though when added to what we’ve already seen? Add whether you were pro- Last Jedi or anti- Last Jedi. As always, put it in the comments, like, & share.

J.J. Abrams To Write/Direct Episode IX, Release Date Pushed Back

"Star Wars: Return of the J.J."  It's all anyone was talking about yesterday. I don't even know exactly where I heard it from. It was everywhere, but J.J. Abrams, the man who started all this in motion with Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be returning to finish up this current installment of the Skywalker trilogy with Episode IX. I should be ecstatic, this is the guy who not only brought back Star Trek, he made it cool. I love Star Trek, but even I never thought that would be possible. However, I can't help but think of one thing that keeps nagging in the back of my mind. The best way to put it is, I love how J.J. starts things off, I'm just not usually to crazy when he tries to end things. Making him perfect for something like Awakens, but leaving me a little worried in the Episode IX department. Remember LOST? Started off amazing; we won't discuss the ending though. Also, included with this news was the news Chris Terrio will co-write with Abrams. If that name sounds familiar it's because he also co-wrote Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Which though I'm a defender of, it's never been because of the writing. I've got to say, I'm actually growing concerned for this movie. I'm not the only one either, Variety followed this up this morning with the news that Episode IX will be abandoning it's May 24th release date for December 20, 2019. Many people saw this coming for awhile now, so it's not a giant surprise. Especially after this giant change of plans. Fingers crossed though, Abrams has done some amazing things. If he's ever going to wrap something up perfectly let's just hope this is the one. What do y'all think though? I'm really curious as the reception this gets. Put it in the comments, like, & share.


Why did J.J. Abrams Change His Ending For "The Force Awakens"? That Wasn't The Droid Rian Johnson Was Looking For.

So Rian Johnson is directing the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but apparently this will not be his first imprint in the Star Wars universe. In an interview with EW Johnson revealed he had asked J.J. Abrams for a big favor. What was that favor? Nothing big... Just changing his original ending for The Force Awakens. Johnson told EW, "I asked if R2 could come with Rey, & if BB-8 could stay behind with the Resistance."  He goes on to say, "Originally it was BB-8 who went with Rey, which makes sense for the story in a way. But I asked, 'Can you do me this solid & switch the droids?'" We know the outcome, R2D2 accompanies Rey to Luke's island of seclusion to return his lightsaber. Seems like Johnson really wanted to get R2 & Mr. Skywalker back together again. The question is why? It could have something to do with the fact that Rian Johnson also told EW that when first sitting down to write The Last Jedi his first concern was Luke. he said, "Figuring out where his head was at was the very first thing I had to do when writing the movie. I had to crack this. And it had to be something for me that first & foremost made sense. Why did Luke Skywalker go off to this island?" He goes on to say how it has to be something that not only makes sense to Luke, it has to make sense to us. That's not only some amazing insight into The Last Jedi, it's also an awesome look at two people compromising for the sake of the whole. It's always great getting two or more greats on the same page. What do you think of these revelations? Let us know in the comments, like, & share.