CEO Bob Iger Favors AR Over VR in Disney Parks

LA Times reports that Bob Iger, CEO of Walt Disney Company, while speaking at a USC Marshall and Annenberg event in Santa Monica on Thursday said no way to virtual reality. A lot of parks in the states are using virtual reality to soup up all their old roller coasters that no one's really riding anymore. Much like myself, he favors an augmented reality over a virtual reality opening your view to the world where you can look around yourself, & not be closed off to what's around you. He went on to enlighten us on the fact that he spends each Tuesday afternoon at a Disney engineering lab sporting a head worn device that enables him to hold a lightsaber and duel away with a stormtrooper. I know this would be a personal dream of myself. Yet it also makes me wonder how he gets anything else done with the abilty to do this? The only other details was his want to make the device lighter & smaller.  Stupid question, but would you want to fight stormtroopers with lightsabers in AR?