Star Wars: Forces of Destiny Crash Course Feels Like An Old "The More You Know" Cartoon

This is a very different episode of Star Wars: Forces of Destiny. Like I said in the title, the whole thing felt like a like one of those old "The More You Know" cartoons. They would come on back when Saturday Morning Cartoons were still a thing. They'd try to teach morals, good habits, & just overall safety. This totally feels like one of the morals episodes. Was it good? I didn't really dig it, but I can't knock it at all because of what it is. This wasn't made for me, it was made for a way younger audience, & in all reality we need more stuff like this. I can't believe with so many people "screen parenting" that the messages that were contained on those screens when I was a child are missing now. It's sad really. Anyway, check this out. If you have kids let them watch it more importantly. Let's show a little support for this amazing effort at trying something I haven't seen in awhile. Other than in shows that are specifically for this purpose, & those are usually boring. I wanna know y'all's thoughts on this. Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Last Jedi Creature Creator Talk Porgs, Other Creatures Of Ahch-To & BB-8

Empire interviewed Neal Scanlon, Oscar-winning head of the Creature Workshop for Star Wars, & he talked about the creatures you've seen in the various previews for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. That being said, I'm obviously going to start this with some Porgs. Those adorable little space penguins that I already own so many versions of I can tell are marketing gold. His exact words involving the adorable inhabitants Achh-To, Luke's thinking place, was, "With Ahch-To, it felt like the only creatures that would ever exist on this island were those indigenous to it, where very few other species and DNA would have reached them." Going on describing their relation to the Caretakers, also shown below, "So they're an extrapolation from the porgs & have bird-like feet, but they're a further developed race." And ugly. Kinda strange something so cute just evolved into something so... not. Still staying on porgs he also mentions the porg shown with Chewie is actually a friend of the Wookie, & his color pattern is also very similar to the Mighty Chewbacca as well. So that little porg in the Falcon is not just there, he's Chewies new buddy, & I think that's amazing. I also might be a little jealous, I want a porg friend. It don't even have to match my color pattern. He talks a little about those totally sick Crystal Foxes mentioning that the do have crystalline fur, with theory that they've fed off the planet for so long they're taking on the characteristics of the planet's surface. The last part throws me a little off, & is becoming one of my only concerns on this film. With rumor BB-8 has a girlfriend, & we already know he has an evil counterpart, BB-9E, I'm a little worried how the awesome little droid is going to be used this time around. I guess I'm just worried it could come off a little silly, I'm talking Jar-Jar silly at that. Who knows it could work though. In regards to BB-8 he mentions a scene with him in disguise trying to evade being discovered by his new nemesis BB-9E. They've done these droid things in the comics & in the animated works. I think the biggest part that concerns me is even in the ones I've enjoyed, they're definitely not in a "favorites" category. That's my take, what's your thoughts on this revelation of creatures? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


Newest "Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny" Gives Us A Spoiler For "Star Wars: Rebels"

So, the newest episode for Star Wars: Forces of Destiny dropped, & with it came a spoiler for Disney XD's Star Wars: Rebels. In this episode, which only exists  for comedic purpose, the Ewoks are hungry & Leia isn't quite to fond of the idea of them eating Stormtroopers (Hence the name, An Imperial Feast). She sends Han & Chewie to get some rations & BAM! Rebels spoiler, Hera Syndulla makes it to the events after Return of the Jedi. So no matter the fate of the rest of the Star Wars: Rebels crew Hera makes it past season 4. My guess is she's one of few, I don't think a major amount of the Rebels crew are going to make it through to the credits of season 4. That's a-whole-nother show & a-whole-nother story though. This is about this episode, An Imperial Feast, which is, all in all, meh. It's a kid's show, so it's inevitable to have these throwaway comedic episodes. That said, it isn't bad, just not my cup of tea. I'm always looking for some advancement when it comes to my Star Wars though. What did y'all think? About this episode, the newest batch as a whole, & the revelation that Hera Syndulla makes it all the way to the fall of the Empire? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

"Solo: A Star Wars Story" Is Pretty Much ALL Ron Howard

We all pretty much know the complicated story behind the making of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Lord & Milller with weeks to wrap, got fired from a project that was described by one as resembling Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Now according to an article from ScreenRant, not much of that original Solo project exists. They report on the latest broadcast of Star Wars News Net's The Resistance Broadcast has an inside source that revealed that not only did Ron Howard reshoot "nearly all" of the film, for what could be in the ballpark of  "twice the budget". Not sure the accuracy of the numbers but the estimate is at least 80% was reshot under the eye of Howard. That's crazy, considering the talk of how much usable footage Lord & Miller had left. If this is true that was all just talk, but even if it wasn't I'm sure the more Ron changed the more it clashed with the original material making the two different visions seeming more obvious. That would only lead to changing more. So in the long run this totally makes sense. It just makes me wonder why they didn't just put all this out there from the jump to get ahead of it. These numbers sound a little shocking, after they wind up being so contradictory to the original "damage control" statements when the film changed hands. I'm sure this will all get forgotten after we see the sure to be amazing trailer. Plus, I think this is actually great, one whole vision is what you need in any film. I feel better knowing this isn't going to be a patchwork of ideas. What do y'all think? Not only about this being mostly Ron's vision now, but also the whole Solo debacle so far? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


More Jyn Erso In Newest Episode Of "Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny"

I've liked a lot of these Star Wars: Forces of Destiny episodes, especially in this new season. This one falls on a middle ground for me though, for a couple of reasons. One it contains Jyn Erso, which while I liked for Rogue One, she's not the most likable character. It worked for the movie, as she was playing a role that would get redeemed by the end. Where as used as a normal character with others in the Star Wars universe she doesn't come off as one of the scoundrels like a Han or a Lando with their redeeming qualities, she comes off as just unlikable all around. The biggest contributor to this being just meh for me is this is a prime example of why these episodes should be longer. This scene has meaning beyond it's message. However, without context we don't know what all this is even for. It's stuff like that that made a lot of the first season episodes seem like they really had no standing in the grand scheme of the Star Wars universe. Getting a little more time here on both ends would give some significance to the plans they're running around with. But hey, if my biggest gripe is that it should be longer that's saying something for it. What did y'all think of this episode though? In fact what about the whole of season 2 so far? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Force Powers A Little Harder For "Science & Star Wars"

Here's another Science & Star Wars that doesn't quite hit it's mark. This time we're trying to science force powers, & while the first two experiments are alright, they completely screw the pooch when it comes to getting an object to spring to their hands. I'm surprised they even tried to tackle force powers, as that's the least sciencey thing Star Wars has to offer. I fell like this is one of those ones they need to go back to the drawing board & try to take another stab at. The force controlling with the helmet was neat, but I really think they could think of better than a super-magnet to simulate powers. If not they probably could've just shelved this episode. Then again I could be being to hard on them after all the amazing things I've seen them pull off already. Anyway, check it out, & let me know what you think. Put it in the comments, like, & share.  

Lucasfilm Drops "Directing The Last Jedi" Featurette, But I Like These New Posters Even More

There's something special about this featurette Lucasfilm released about Rian Johnson directing Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It was the main thing that resonated with me while watching it. Johnson, when it really comes down to it, is just a fan like us. That being said can you imagine how much will it takes to separate the fanboy from it being time to go to work & get your crap together. I like to think I'm good at managing things, but this? I couldn't dream of walking onto a set like this & trying my hand & furthering one of the greatest pieces of modern mythology. I liked hearing him talk about this experience though. Going back to his days playing with the figures, & taking moments to freak out was awesome little bits, but that was overshadowed by these awesome posters released later. I'm a sucker for these drawn posters, as much as I'm a sucker for porgs, & these posters have both. Can you tell that Lucasfilm has realized the merchandise power of the porg? They're everywhere. And I'm not complaining, I think they're friggin' adorable. Amazing posters though, I could definitely see these going up on my wall. What do y'all think though? Two things... One, these amazing posters, & two, do you think you'd be able to helm "insert your favorite franchise here"? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


This Is The Science & Star Wars I've Been Looking For.. Speeders!

But I want a Landspeeder Now!! This is friggin' awesome! Science & Star Wars, I NEED the specs for this thing. I would ride that little cardboard piece of amazingness everywhere. Keep these videos coming. I look forward to these every week. Funny thing is, I wouldn't even care if they took more stabs at things they've already tried when they run out. IBM & Science & Star Wars keep making Star Wars actually happen. Hell, let's build a Star Destroyer! Watch the video, & let me know who's building a Landspeeder. Put it in the comments, like, & share.

No Points For Creativity, But Untitled Han Solo Film Finally Has A Name

Anyone who's been listening knows throughout all the problems, I've been anxiously waiting for the untitled Han Solo film to become the titled Han Solo film. That day has finally come, & it feels like someone, namely Ron Howard, is screwing with me. I've been telling everyone from day one not to be surprised if this movie winds up being named Han Solo: A Star Wars Story. I was wrong though, & they have decided to go with Solo: A Star Wars Story. Like you see, I was way off. I still had my fingers crossed for something cool like Kessel Run, but now we have "Alone" or "Red Plastic Cup": A Star Wars Story. I can't be surprised, like I said, I figured this would be the name from the beginning. Not only that though, I'm thinking we con just tag this title onto all the Star Wars Anthology films. So expect Jabba: A Star Wars Story, Boba Fett: A Star Wars Story, Yoda: A Star Wars Story, & Kenobi: A Star Wars Story. Look at me, I'm a regular name generator. Anyway, what do you think of this amazingly creative name, & what insights does this name give you into the story? I'm going with it's a story that takes place in Star Wars. Put your thoughts in the comments, like, & share.


Science & Star Wars Covers Bacta Tanks & Carbonite

So this episode of Science & Star Wars doesn't quite prove we're on the right track for one of these. While we're grafting skin one people as well as growing it, we're a little time off from freezing someone in carbonite. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy watching them try & fail though. Not my favorite episode of this show, but I guess not everything I've seen is Star Wars is ready for the real world yet. I can't wait to see more of these. Keep looking, one of these days they're going to build a mini-landspeeder. I'd probably empty my wallet for something like that. What did y'all think of this episode? In fact, what have y'all thought about this whole show so far? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Rebels Gave A Small Recap For Seasons 1-3

This is pretty awesome. If you haven't been watching Star Wars: Rebels on Disney XD & you call yourself a Star Wars fan, you've been really missing out. I wasn't really fond of the animation style when I first saw this, so I slept on it for awhile. I kept hearing how good it was though, & when the first season came out to buy I picked it up to check it out for myself. After the first season I was hooked. Since then this show has only got better. Really, if you do call yourself a Star Wars fan you have to check this out. And to help peak your interests Disney XD put together this awesome recap of season 1-3 to get you caught up or turned on for season 4. Check it out & let me know what you think. Put it in the comments, like, & share.

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer" = Just Take My Money!

I expected this trailer to be awesome, but it was even better than I expected. From the time it started it commanded my attention, even more so than the teaser. Star Wars: The Last Jedi looks like it's going to take the foundation laid from The Force Awakens & dial it up to light speed. It seems as if The Force Awakens was the forward, & this is going to be the unfolding of the actual story. I wonder if this means that Episode IX will come off as an epilogue of sorts? What I gather from this Kylo has an extreme amount of Force power & so does Rey, Kylo has to now take out his mom,  & Finn & Phasma are going to go at it for real finally. The ending though is where it was really at. Are we going to have a Kylo/Rey team up? Oh man, only time will tell, but I now can't wait for the December 14th to be here!! What do y'all think? Did this trailer blow you away like it did me? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

"Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny" Season 2 Continues To Impress With "The Starfighter Stunt"

I've been really impressed so far with the second season of Star Wars: Forces of Destiny. My favorite still being the last episode Teach You, I Will, this new episode The Starfighter Stunt doesn't disappoint. In an entertaining use of Padme Amidala we get to see Ahsoka giving her some flight lessons. Considering that in itself sounds really boring, of course it gets interrupted by a hidden droid fighter. And as usual, without R2-D2 all would be lost. Once again a solid episode though. Leading me to think these could really hold some importance if they upped the runtime to 5-10 minutes. They're really catching their strides in this second season, & I love to see it. I hope this does bring some new blood over to the Star Wars Galaxy, fans are what keeps all this going. Curious to know what y'all think though? What do you think of this new season in comparison to the first? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Always Wise Words From Yoda In "Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny" Episode "Teach You, I Will"

Teach You, I Will has to go down as my favorite episode of Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny to date. As soon as I saw Yoda on the front, I figured the Jedi Master for a main character in this one, & I was right. Yoda delivers some amazing wisdom throughout as he checks in & builds on Anakin's duel-lightsaber training of his padwan, Ahsoka. Though short, this episode was a must see, delivering many messages throughout. The resolution of taking one's training & making it your own might be some of the best advice in life one could take. Anyway, I loved this episode. What did y'all think? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

New "Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny" Episode "Tracker Trouble" Takes Place During "The Force Awakens"

Han Solo gets to make an appearance before his solo film in this Star Wars: Forces of Destiny episode. Titled Tracker Trouble, this episode takes place on the way to Mas Kanata in The Force Awakens. Still not the most relevant of things to watch, but once again it really feels like Star Wars. That's something I've definitely noticed about the first two episodes from this second season, & so far I'm really digging it. This show could probably even stand a time extension to the 5-10 minute mark if they keep this up. What did y'all think of this episode though? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

"Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny" Newest Episode Debuts

Brand new episode of Star Wars: Forces of Destiny came out. This episode, titled Newest Recruit, kicks off season 2. I had a small problem with the first season not only seeming to lack any impact on the Star Wars galaxy, but not really containing any substance at all. This one, while not having any impacts on the galaxy, still was really entertaining. It felt like a mini-episode of Star Wars: Rebels. I think what I really like about it, is while it was just the girls, it still felt like Star Wars. Some of the earlier episodes felt like they could have almost been any cartoon. With some even felling like cartoons about Star Wars, as opposed to something that actually fits. Anyway, all in all this was a really cool, little short. I'd like to know what y'all think though? Both Star Wars fans & the casual watcher. I'd really like to get a feminine take on the "girl power" of these. Do you think they will open more girls up to Star Wars? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

"The Last Jedi" To Be Longest Running Star Wars Film To Date

Heard on the John Campea Show that Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be clocking in at a little over two-&-a-half hours. This will make this instalment the longest of the whole series. Not that that fact really matters. Honestly, I've seen just as many bad long movies as I've seen l good movies. The same goes for short ones, so as Yoda says down there I won't judge this by it's size. I like the fact that even with the tragic death of Carrie Fisher, this film seems like it has gone so smoothly when compared to the rest of the in-development Star Wars films. Knowing that it made it through cuts still keeping it's size not only puts me at ease over the studio really liking everything they saw, but it also makes me think we're really going to dive into some of the unanswered questions from The Force Awakens. Anyway, what do y'all think of this news? Does the length matter in any way? Put it in the comments, like, & share.


"Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny" Puts Out Trailer For Second Season

Disney has released the trailer for the second season of Star Wars: Forces of Destiny to be shown on the Disney Channel in two, half-hour episodes. The episodes will release on October 1st & October 29th. Doesn't sound like they are going to do the YouTube thing this time around, but I'm not sure. YouTube is where the original season played itself out. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first season of these. Not that they were bad, they just lacked sustenance. I've got to admit though, some of what's in this preview looked really good. Not only that, but some of it looked like they decided to finally put some meaning in these & not just make them fluff. Which is cool because this series was a really good idea, it just needed a little more oomph in it's execution. I have hope that what I saw in these previews was the oomph I was looking for, & rebellions were built on hope. Anyway, did this trailer look better to y'all? For that matter, what did y'all think of Season 1? Put it in the comments, like, & share.  

Second "Science & Star Wars" Tackles Helper Droids

I love this show! IBM's Science & Star Wars second episode features the closest thing to a droid I've ever seen. It can see, understand & respond to commands, & interface with the show's AI co-host to answer questions. Once again they've come closer than I thought they would to bringing the science fiction of Star Wars into the realm of science fact. I can't wait for more of this series to play out just to see how far they push the envelope. What did y'all think though? Will you be in the market for a helper droid in the future? What particularly would you want one for? Put it in the comments, like, & share.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Offically Finished

And with this picture released on director Rian Johnson's Instagram, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is officially complete. Giving a shout out to the hardest working post production team in the galaxy, he has confirmed that Last Jedi has wrapped & is "in the can". This is exciting news for the one film besides Force Awakens since Disney bought Lucasfilm, to finish without a major hitch. Yes, we tragically lost Carrie Fisher, but her loss is seeming to effect Episode IX far more than it's effects were felt on the actual developments that take place in The Last Jedi. Looks like the only thing left now is the battle for tickets & the wait for December 15th, opening day. Thrilling news though, Last Jedi is officially done. What do y'all think? What's your level of excitement going in? Anything that must happen for your enjoyment? Put it in the comments, like, & share.
